Allow me to bring the full studio experience to the comfort of your home!
I bring everything with me to in-home appointments, including hats, wraps, accessories, blankets and baby backdrops, as well as an umbrella light so that I can work in any space, in any kind of home!

Sometimes I hear parents say, “Our home is too crazy / too cluttered to do the photos here!” First of all, don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re the only young family whose home doesn’t look like a Martha Stewart advertisement every single day! My whole job revolves around kids and real families. I know your toddler has a lot of energy. (Like, a LOT of energy.) I know there are bound to be toys everywhere, even when you literally just picked them up a minute ago. It’s OKAY. You might see me post images from “perfect” households, but just know that more often than not, I cropped out the clutter and caught the 1/100th of a second when their toddler finally sat down!

I can set up anywhere! All I need is approximately a 3 foot by 4 foot space anywhere in the home. I’ve set up my Newborn Station in playrooms, bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens, all with the same studio-like results. This is where most of the newborn posing magic happens. It’s like a miniature studio, small enough to fit any space and just big enough for a baby (or multiples)!

The only thing I can’t bring with me is a large backdrop for adults/the whole family. For those family portraits, we typically use the couch, master bed, or the baby’s nursery room. Again, you don’t need to clean or do anything special before the visit. We can just toss all the toys off the couch, or stretch a big comforter over the master bed and viola! The result is a beautiful setting for your family that is free of distractions.

The in-home experience works great for older siblings; it gives them the freedom to run and play in their own space, and fully be themselves. Sitting still, following directions, and smiling on command are not tasks that come easily to small children. It’s especially hard for them to maintain this behavior for a long time. Bringing the session experience to their own space makes them more comfortable. They often ask questions and get involved as I’m setting everything up, which makes them more invested in the process.
Inevitably, the baby will need a break to be fed or changed – and older siblings often need a break, too! I love having the opportunity to engage with them without constantly giving them instructions or posing them. Taking a few minutes to get on their level to play with them creates a bonding experience for us, and makes them happier and more likely to cooperate when we resume the session. Plus, these playful moments usually result in some of my favorite candid images!

In addition to family portraits and straightforward portraits of the baby, I also offer a wide variety of digital backdrops that can fit any theme! This allows me to really bring the mystery and wonder of an elaborate newborn session to any location. We don’t have to worry about setting up different props or worry about what your floors or walls look like. I use the Newborn Station and what I like to call “The Digital Donut” to set the baby up and get them settled into some fluff or blankets. Then, using the magic of Photoshop, I digitally select only the baby, and add them to a preselected scene of your choosing. I’ll make sure the lighting matches and that all the edges are blended. The end result is a gorgeous work of art that doesn’t take any extra time out of your session.

Home Sessions aren’t only for newborns! It’s a great option as your children grow, as well. Part of the portrait experience is creating cherished memories… and it’s so much more special to play, laugh, and create those memories at home. It also allows us the opportunity to bring the fur-kids into the picture – and we can feature various areas of your home, both inside and out, in every season.

Contact me to get more information on booking your Portraits At Home! 🏡
View more in-home newborn sessions on the blog:
Manhattan Newborn Photography
Connecticut Newborn Photography
Welcoming Baby Morgan